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              當前位置:主頁 > 產品展示 > > 認知與腦功能測試 > 近紅外腦成像儀


              型號:UCL NTS










              功能近紅外光譜成像技術(fNIRS)使用光來監測人腦功能。該技術通過將近紅外光傳輸到頭皮,然后在幾厘米遠的地方檢測散射回頭皮的光,可以測量大腦中氧合和脫氧血紅蛋白濃度的變化。由于腦活動和局部血流之間存在密切的關系,血紅蛋白濃度的這些變化提供了腦功能的可靠度量。NTS fNIRS系統處于這一技術增長的前沿,以易于使用和便攜的方式安全地研究人腦功能。














              1、fNIRS Hyperscanning腦功能超掃描系統:NTS提供了fNIRS Hyperscanning腦功能超掃描解決方案,fNIRS超掃描系統的模塊化設計可以提供2人以上實時同步進行腦功能超掃描測試使用并支持*的數據同步。fNIRS超掃描技術提供了比fMRI超掃描技術更為真實的實驗環境、比EEG超掃描技術更好的空間精度,正成為認知與行為研究中的重要研究工具。

              2、EEG-fNIRS多模態腦功能測試系統: UCL高密度近紅外腦功能成像系統可以和NeurOne高精度腦電測量系統搭配使用,將EEGfNIRS進行整合發揮二者的優勢,EEG的時間分辨率高,但是空間分辨率低;fNIRS的時間分辨率低,實時性較差,但是空間分辨率高。為了準確、全面、實時的測量大腦在認知過程中的活動,實現全面、實時的腦成像方式無疑是一種更好的策略。結合EEGfNIRS的多模態腦成像技術在認知神經科學研究中有著很好的應用前景,同時還可搭建多模態腦-機接口系統。












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              Katus L, Hayes NJ, Mason L et al. Implementing neuroimaging and eye tracking methods to assess neurocognitive development of young infants in low- and middle-income countries [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. Gates Open Res 2019, 3:1113

              Bulgarelli, C., Blasi, A., de Klerk, C. C.J.M., Richards, J.E., Hamilton, A., Southgate, V. Fronto-temporoparietal connectivity and self-awareness in 18-month-olds: A resting state fNIRS study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 38, 2019 

              S. Skau, L. Bunketorp-Käll, H. G. Kuhn, B. Johansson. Mental Fatigue and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) – Based Assessment of Cognitive Performance After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13:145. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00145, 2019   

              S. Lloyd‐Fox,   A. Blasi,   S. McCann, M. Rozhko, L. Katus, L. Mason, T. Austin, S.E. Moore, C.E. Elwell Habituation and Novelty Detection fNIRS brain responses in 5 and 8 month old infants: The Gambia and UK doi: 10.1111/desc.12817, 2019   

              Bulgarelli, C., Blasi, A., Arridge, S., Powell, S., de Klerk, C. C.J.M., Southgate, V., ... & Hamilton, A. Dynamic causal modelling on infant fNIRS data: A validation study on a simultaneously recorded fNIRS-fMRI dataset. NeuroImage, 175, 413-424, 2018

              de Klerk, C. C. J. M., Hamilton, A. F. D. C., & Southgate, V. . Eye contact modulates facial mimicry in 4-month-old infants: an EMG and fNIRS study. Cortex, 106, 93-103, 2018

              Miguel, H.O., Lisboa, I.C., Gonçalves, Ó.F. and Sampaio, A. Brain mechanisms for processing discriminative and affective touch in 7-month-old infants. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2017.

              S.Lloyd-Fox, K.Begus, D.Halliday, L.Pirazzolia, A.Blasia, M.Papademetriou, M.K.Darboe, A.M.Prentice, M.H.Johnson, S.E.Moore, C.E.Elwell. Cortical specialisation to social stimuli from the first days to the second year of life: A rural Gambian cohort. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 25, 92-104, 2017

              Chalia, Maria, et al. Hemodynamic response to burst-suppressed and discontinuous electroencephalography activity in infants with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Neurophotonics, 3(3) 031408, 2016.

              Begus, K., Lloyd-Fox, S., Halliday, D., Papademetriou, M., Darboe, M.K., Prentice, A.M., Moore, S.E. & Elwell, C.E. Using fNIRS to study working memory of infants in rural Africa. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 876, p. 273-279, 2016.

              Brigadoi, S., Powell, S., Cooper, R.J., Dempsey, L.A., Arridge, S., Everdell, N., Hebden, J. and Gibson, A.P. Evaluating real-time image reconstruction in diffuse optical tomography using physiologically realistic test data. Biomedical optics express, 6(12), pp.4719-4737, 2015.

              Lloyd-Fox, S., Széplaki-Köll?d, B., Yin, J. & Csibra, G. Are you talking to me? Neural activations in 6-month-old infants in response to being addressed during natural interactions. Cortex 70, p. 35-48, 2015.

              Lloyd-Fox, S., Wu, R., Richards, J.E., Elwell, C.E. & Johnson, M.H. Cortical Activation to Action Perception is associated with action production abilities in young infants. Cerebral Cortex, 25(2), 289-297, 2015.

              Lloyd-Fox S, Papademetriou M, Darboe MK, Everdell NL, Wegmuller R, Prentice AM, Moore SE, Elwell CE. Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to assess cognitive function in infants in rural Africa. Scientific Reports, 4:4740, 2014.

              Southgate, V., Begus, K., Lloyd-Fox, S. & Hamilton, A. Goal representation in the infant brain. NeuroImage, 85, 294-301, 2014.

              Singh H, Cooper RJ, Lee CW, Dempsey LA, Edwards A, Brigadoi S, Airantzis D, Everdell NL, Michell A, Holder D, Hebden JC, Austin T. Mapping cortical haemodynamics during neonatal seizures using diffuse optical tomography: A case study. Neuroimage: Clinical 5, 256–265, 2014.

              Lloyd-Fox, S., Richards, J.E., Blasi, A., Murphy, D.G.M., Elwell, C.E. & Johnson, M.H. Co-registering fNIRS with underlying cortical areas in infants. Neurophotonics. 1(2), 025006, 2014.

              Lloyd-Fox, S., Blasi, A., Elwell, C.E. & Johnson, M.H. Test-retest reliability of fNIRS in infants. Neurophotonics. 1(2), 025005, 2014.

              Fillippetti, M.L., Johnson, M.H., Lloyd-Fox, S., Dragovic, D. & Farroni, T. Body perception in newborns. Current Biology, 23, 2413-2416, 2013.

              Grossmann, T., Lloyd-Fox, S. & Johnson, M.H. Brain responses reveal young infants’ sensitivity to when a social partner follows their gaze. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 6, 155-161, 2013.

              Lloyd-Fox, S., Blasi., A., Elwell, C.E., Charman, T., Murphy, D., & Johnson, M.H. Reduced neural sensitivity to social stimuli in infants at risk for autism. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 280, 20123026, 2013.

              Farroni, T., Chiarelli, A., Lloyd-Fox, S., Massaccesi, S., Merla, A., Gangi, V., Mattarello, T., Faranguna, D. & Johnson, M.H. Infant cortex responds to other humans from shortly after birth. Nature Scientific Reviews. 3, 2851, 2013.

              Correia T, Lloyd-Fox S, Everdell NL, Blasi A, Elwell C, Hebden JC, Gibson AP. Three-dimensional optical topography of brain activity in infants watching videos of human movement. Physics in Medicine and Biology 57, 1135-1146, 2012.

              Cristia A., Dupoux E., Hakuna Y., Lloyd-Fox S., Schuetze M., Kivits J., Bergvelt T., van Gelder M., Filippin M., Charron S., and Minagawa-Kawai Y. An online database of infant functional Near InfraRed Spectroscopy studies: A community-augmented systematic review. PLoS One, 8, e58906, 2012.

              Papademetriou, M.D., Richards, J., Correia, T., Blasi, A., Murphy, D.G., Lloyd-Fox, S., Johnson, M. & Elwell, C.E. Cortical Mapping of 3D Optical Topography in Infants. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 985, 2012.

              Lloyd-Fox, S., Blasi, A., Mercure, E., Elwell, C.E. & Johnson, M.H. The emergence of cerebral specialisation for the human voice over the first months of life. Social Neuroscience, 7, 317-330, 2012.

              Cooper RJ, Hebden JC, O'Reilly H, Mitra S, Mitchell A, Everdell NL, Gibson AP, Austin T. Transient haemodynamic events in neurologically compromised infants: A simultaneous EEG and diffuse optical imaging study. Neuroimage 55(4), 1610-1616, 2011.

              Lloyd-Fox S, Blasi A, Everdell NL, Elwell C, Johnson MH. Selective cortical mapping of biological motion processing in young infants. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(9), 2521-2532, 2011.

              Gervain, J., Mehler, J., Werker, J.F., Nelson, C.A., Csibra, G., Lloyd-Fox, S., Shukla, M. & Aslin, R.A. Near infrared spectroscopy: A report from the McDonnell Infant Methodology Consortium. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 1, 22-46, 2011.

              Lloyd-Fox, S., Blasi, A. & Elwell, C.E. Illuminating the developing brain: The past, present and future of functional near infrared spectroscopy. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 34(3), 269-284, 2010.

              Blasi, A., Phillips, D., Lloyd-Fox, S., Hui-Koh, P. & Elwell, C.E. Automatic detection of motion artifacts in infant functional optical topography studies. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 662, 279-284, 2010.

              Cooper RJ, Everdell NL, Enfield LC, Gibson AP, Worley A, Hebden JC. Design and evaluation of a probe for simultaneous EEG and near-infrared imaging of cortical activation. Physics in Medicine and Biology 54, 2093-2102, 2009.

              Correia T, Banga A, Everdell NL, Gibson AP, Hebden JC. A quantitative assessment of the depth sensitivity of an optical topography system using a solid dynamic tissue-phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology 54, 6277-6286, 2009.

              Lloyd-Fox S, Blasi A, Volein A, Everdell NL, Elwell CE, Johnson MH. Social Perception in Infancy: a near infrared spectroscopy study. Child Development 80(4), 986-999, 2009.

              Cooper RJ, Bhatt D, Everdell NL, Hebden JC. A tissue-like, optically turbid and electrically conducting phantom for simultaneous EEG and near-infrared imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology 54, N403-N408, 2009.

              Grossman, T., Johnson, M.H., Lloyd-Fox, S., Blasi, A., Deligianni, F., Elwell, C. & Csibra, G. Early cortical specialization for face-to-face communication in human infants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 275, 2803-2811, 2008.

              Blasi A, Fox S, Everdell NL, Volein A, Tucker L, Csibra G, Gibson AP, Hebden JC, Johnson MH, Elwell CE. Investigation of depth dependent changes in cerebral haemodynamics during face perception in infants. Physics in Medicine and Biology 52, 6849-6864, 2007.

              Everdell NL, Gibson AP, Tullis IDC, Vaithianathan T, Hebden JC and Delpy DT. A frequency multiplexed near-infrared topography system for imaging functional activation in the brain. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 093705, 20





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